Hello guys. I am here to provide you when autumn came summary along with when autumn came questions and answers to the class 11  Alternative English book Seasons with ncert solutions AHSEC.  H.S 1st year So don't worry guys you will get what you need.

When autumn came notes

When autumn came summary

When autumn came summary

When autumn came the trees became lifeless. Autumn came like a monster and uncovers the trees and makes them naked. Their yellow leaves fall off the trees and are scattered over the ground. Trees are exploited in such a way but they could not raise their voice against such exploitation. Even birds that are known as the proclaimer of colourful days are sent away so no such voice can be raised. The poet prays to the God of May to have mercy and begs blessings to the exploited so that they can be brought back to life again. Only the power of God can save the exploited from the exploitation and they can come back to life.

The poet wants to see trees with life which are full of green leaves so that birds can sing again. The poet wants to see a colourful day among those victims of exploitation.

"When Autumn Came" by Faiz Ahmed Faiz is the metaphoric personification of change having a huge impact on something near and dear to him. This is a revolutionary poem. Through this poem, the poet expresses his voice against the exploitation of the poor people (the labourers or workers) by the rich or capitalist class people. The rich people led a luxurious life at the cost of the poor people. However, the workers and labourers worked hard and get nothing and the rich do nothing but looted everything from the poor. The worker's voice is not in a position to protest against any exploitation. They bear everything silently and do nothing against exploitation because they have to survive. The same condition happens with the trees with the coming of the Autumn season. Trees are lifeless and their leaves turn yellow. The birds forget to sing merrily. Here autumn represents the exploiter and the trees are being exploited.

Therefore, the poet prays to the God of May to give back life to the lifeless trees so that the trees get back their leaves and again the birds can sing merrily. With such expression, the poet prays to God to renew the life of the poor labourer with life and hope so that they can have a meaningful life. Their life should not be dried as dust and fresh blood should flow through their views. So that no one should be exploited by anybody. He wants to see some young and energetic ones.

Textual Question-Answers


I. Answer these questions in one or two words.

1. With what does the poet compare the yellow leaves?
Ans: The poet compares the yellow leaves to the hearts of the trees.

2. Who remains undisturbed by the 'single moan of protest'?
Ans: Anyone remains undisturbed by the 'single moan of protest.'

3. Who are exiled from their song in autumn?
Ans: The birds, who herald dreams, are exiled from their song in autumn.

4. With whom does the poet plead for mercy?
Ans: The poet pleads for mercy with the "God of May."

5. What does the poet mean by the 'gift of green'?
Ans: The poet refers to the revival of foliage and the return of vibrant green colour as the "gift of green."

II. Answer these questions in a few words each.

1. What happens to the leaves in autumn?
The leaves in autumn shed themselves from the trees and are scattered on the ground to be trampled upon by anyone who encounters them.

2. What do you understand by the expression 'ebony bodies naked'?
The expression 'ebony bodies naked' means that the trees are stripped of their leaves, revealing their dark, bare branches.

3. What does the poet mean by 'birds that herald dreams'?
The phrase 'birds that herald dreams' refers to the birds known for their melodious songs. They symbolize the beauty and enchantment of nature, often associated with dreams and poetic inspiration.

4. How does autumn affect the birds' lives?
Autumn affects the birds' lives by silencing them and exiling them from their songs. Their voices are taken away, and they are unable to sing their melodies. The poem suggests that the birds lose their ability to express themselves and bring joy through their songs during this season.

5. Why does the poet invoke God of May?
The poet invokes the God of May to ask for mercy and to bring about a revival and renewal of life in nature.

III. Answer these questions in detail.

1. How does the poet describe the helplessness of the trees in autumn?
The poet describes the helplessness of the trees in autumn by portraying them as being stripped down to their bare skin, with their leaves shaken off and scattered on the ground. The trees are depicted as unable to protest or moan, emphasizing their vulnerability and powerlessness.

2. How does the poet create the impression that autumn is a time of silence?
The poet creates the impression of autumn as a time of silence by mentioning that the birds, known for their songs, are exiled from their song. Their voices are taken away, and they drop into the dust even before the hunter appears. This absence of the birds' melodies contributes to the overall sense of silence and stillness associated with autumn.

3. How does the poem represent the trees as human entities?
The poem represents the trees as human entities by attributing human characteristics to them. The trees are described as having bodies, hearts (symbolized by the yellow leaves), and the ability to be trampled and protest. This personification helps evoke empathy and a deeper emotional connection with the trees.

4. Do you think that despite the dismal mood of the poem, it expresses the poet's hope for a positive change?
Yes, despite the dismal mood of the poem, it can be seen as expressing the poet's hope for a positive change. The plea to the "God of May" for mercy, the request for the dead veins to flow with blood again, and the desire for a tree to be gifted with green foliage and for one bird to sing all suggest a longing for renewal, resurrection, and the restoration of life. These elements indicate the poet's underlying hope for a positive transformation.

5. Why does the poet associate God of May with the 'passion of resurrection'?  Why does he say 'Let one bird sing'?
The poet associates the God of May with the 'passion of resurrection' because May is typically associated with spring, a season of rejuvenation and new life. By invoking the God of May, the poet seeks divine intervention to bring about the passion and energy of resurrection, to revive the withered bodies and give life to the trees once again. The poet's plea for 'Let one bird sing' signifies the yearning for even a small sign of hope and vitality amidst the desolation, emphasizing the desire for life to emerge and flourish once more.

IV. Answer these questions in your own words.

1. How does the poet depict autumn through a series of images of violence?
Ans: The poem uses violent images to show how Autumn affects nature. It compares the bare trees to ebony naked bodies, showing the suffering they endure. Their hearts, represented by yellow leaves, are shaken off and scattered on the ground. Anyone can easily trample on them without any protest or pain.

The birds, which symbolize messengers of dreams, are forced out of their leafy homes, causing them to lose their voices. They die before the hunter can even prepare to shoot them. These violent images illustrate the destructive impact of Autumn on life. They also symbolize how the souls and voices of oppressed people are ruthlessly silenced by those in power.

2. Describe the poet's distinctive treatment of nature as reflected in the poem?
Ans: In autumn, nature can seem harsh and cruel. The trees are left bare, like naked bodies, standing in a vulnerable and exposed way. Their yellow leaves, which represent their hearts, are forcefully taken away and scattered on the ground, where they are stepped on without mercy. These trees cannot express their pain, as their cries go unheard.

The poem then talks about songbirds that have lost their shelters and become like outcasts. These birds are known as messengers of dreams, so their unfortunate situation is quite sad. To make matters worse, they are violently silenced as their voice boxes are ripped out of their throats. They are killed before any further harm can be done to them, perhaps by archers.

This portrayal of nature as having human-like qualities brings a feeling of sadness. On a deeper level, the poem aims to give voice to all those who are oppressed by a tyrant, in this case, Autumn.

Extra Question Answers

1. The autumn season is characterized by a few things. What are they?
Ans: The things that are used to characterize the autumn season in the poem are: obeying bodies, naked, the yellow leaves, leaves scattered over the ground, a single mean; bird exiled from their song; they dropped into the dust; these withered bodies; dead views.

2. Does the poet talk about all those characteristics?
Ans: The poet talks about how with the coming of autumn season vegetation is affected and the poet has attempted to compare the season of autumn with the capitalist class and the trees with the labour class people. The above characteristics of autumn are the expression of the pitiable condition of the labourers and working-class people. They are exploited by the capitalist class i.e. the autumn season.

3. What is the impact of autumn on the trees?
Ans: During autumn the trees become naked. Autumn is the season of dryness and dust. The leaves of the trees turn yellow and fall from the trees and are scattered over the ground. The trees are stripped down to the back. No birds can be seen in the trees.

4. What happens to the birds when autumn comes?
Ans: During autumn season no birds can be seen in the trees as if the birds spend time in exile. They forgot to sing. They go away to far-off places and drop into dust even before hunters can aim at them.

5. Why does the poet invoke the God of May?
Ans: The poet invokes the God of May for his blessings to the withered trees so that they can get back their life.

6. Who do you think the poet has personified the trees?
Ans: The poet has personified the trees as the poor labourers and working-class people who are the victims of exploitation by the capitalist class i.e. the autumn season.

7. What condition of the trees during autumn does the poet forward?
Ans: The poet forwards that during the autumn season, the condition of the trees is pitiable. They are stripped down to the skin and their ebony is naked. Their leaves turned yellow and fall off all over the ground. No birds can be seen in the trees.

8. How does the poet pray to the God at May?
Ans: In the poem "When Autumn Came", the poet prays to the God of May to shower his blessings on the exploited trees. He prays to God to revive the revolutionaries and to rekindle the dead bodies of the trees. The poet prays to God for life and regeneration. He prays for vegetation full of life again i.e. he wants to see the trees with green leaves, with covered bodies and he wants to see the birds on the tree so that they can sing the melodious song again.

9. Who do you think the God of May is?
Ans: Here the God of May is the God of the spring season.

10. Why will there be no single means of protest?
Ans: They are so weak that they have lost the voice of protest. The labourers or workers were created in such a way that they could not make any protest.

11. What is the significance of yellow in the description of the tree's leaves? 
Ans: The poet says ‘yellow leaves’ which signifies dull, lifeless and weak because leaves are mature and old.

Reference to the Context

1. It shook out their hearts, the yellow leaves,
scattered them over the ground.
Anyone could trample them out of shape
undisturbed by a single moon of protest.
(a) Who is it? Whose yellow hearts did it shake out?
Ans: It is the autumn season. It shakes the yellow hearts of the trees,
(b) What happens to the leaves that are scattered on the ground?
Ans: Anyone can trample the leaves out of shape that are scattered on the ground.
(c) When will these withered trees bloom again?
Ans: When the God of May will show mercy on them, these withered trees will bloom again.

2. Give some trees the gift of green again.
Let one bird sing.
(a) What is the gift of green? Who will receive it?
Ans: The gift of green is to endow the trees with life and make them green again. The trees will receive it.
(b) What is the poet asking for when he says ‘Let one bird sing'?
Ans: The poet asks for the gift of green again when he says, 'Let one bird Sing’.
(c) What had happened to the birds in autumn?
Ans: In the autumn season, the birds go away from far-off places as if they spend time in exile. No birds can be seen on the trees and the song of birds could not be heard.

Explain with reference to the context

(a)This is the way…..
Left their ebony bodies naked.
Ans: These lines have been taken from the poem "When Autumn Came" composed by Faiz Ahmed Faiz.

Through these lines, the poet wants to show that how autumn, representing season has destroyed the trees and left them without their outward protection. Through these lines, the poet expresses the intensity of the oppression-with a period of hopelessness, a time when the upper classes tormented and humiliated the lower classes.

(b) It shook out their….
….single moan of protest.
Ans: These lines have been taken from the poem, "When Autumn Came" composed by Faiz Ahmed Faiz.

Through these lines, the poet has attempted to show how badly the trees were hurt and wounded by the big change that occurred earlier. With the coming of autumn, the yellow leaves which were once green fall off the trees and scattered all over the ground. Here the poet expresses how the upper class (autumn) humiliated the working class (trees) so mercilessly that they did not even have the courage to protest. Even if they protest they are not heard. The poet uses personification to express his feelings.

(c) The birds that…..
….hunter strung his bow.
Ans: These lines have been taken from the poem "When Autumn Came" composed by Faiz Ahmed Faiz.

Through these lines, the poet expresses how autumn has brought such a change that all trees become lifeless. Even birds which are known as the proclaimer of colourful days are sent away so that no voice can be raised. Here birds refer to poets, writers, reformers and revolutionaries. They are the messengers who bring new thoughts and ideas into the minds of people. However in times of oppression and unsorship even they lose their voices. They cannot express themselves because society does not allow them to do so. Even before they literally die, they give in. Here the poet used personification and metaphors.

(d) Oh God of May…
Let one bird sing.
Ans: These lines have been taken from the poem "When Autumn Came" composed by Faiz Ahmed Faiz.

Through these stanzas, the poet prays to the God of spring to have mercy on the trees and to bless them with a new life. The poet prays to the God of May (spring) to revive the revolutionaries and to rekindle their dead bodies. The poet prays to God for life, regeneration, happiness and shared prosperity so that the exploited trees can be brought back to life again. The poet wants to see vegetation full of life again and coming back to colourful days among those victims of exploitation. The poet feels that a classless society is the need of the hour.


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