Lines Written in Early Spring Poem Questions And Answers Class 11 AHSEC Assam Board. Also, get the summary along with the important questions notes of the poem H.S. 1st year Alternative English book Seasons written by William Wordsworth.



The poem "Lines Written in Early Spring" explores the contrast between the beauty of nature and the sadness caused by human actions. The speaker describes sitting in a grove and being surrounded by the harmonious sounds of nature. However, this pleasant atmosphere also brings about a sense of sorrow. The speaker reflects on how nature is connected to the human soul and laments over the negative impact of mankind's actions on both nature and humanity. The presence of blooming flowers, playful birds, and growing twigs suggests that there is inherent joy in nature, which makes the speaker question why humans have strayed from the natural order. The poem ultimately calls for contemplation and regret over the destructive tendencies of humanity.

Textual Question Answer


I. Answer these questions in one or two words.

1. Where was the speaker on that spring day?
The speaker was in a grove on that spring day.

2. What was the speaker doing?
The speaker was sitting and reclining in the grove.

3. What kind of thoughts overpowered the sweet mood of the speaker?
 The speaker was overcome by sad thoughts that interrupted their pleasant mood.

4. What grieved the speaker's heart?
 The speaker's heart was grieved by contemplating what humanity has done to itself.

5. What kind of sound did the speaker hear?
The speaker heard a blend of a thousand notes, a mixture of sounds from nature.

II. Answer these questions in a few words.

1. What is linked to the fair works of Nature?
 The speaker links the human soul to the fair works of Nature. They suggest that there is a connection between the beauty and harmony found in nature and the essence of humanity.

2. What is the speaker's faith about the flowers?
 The speaker expresses their faith that every flower, including the periwinkle, enjoys the air it breathes.

3. What did the birds do around the speaker while he sat reclined?
The birds around the speaker hopped and played and made soothing noises.

4. What did the budding twigs do?
 The budding twigs spread out their fan to catch the breezy air. 

5. What is the significance of the primrose tufts and periwinkle in the poem?
 The primrose tufts and periwinkle symbolize the beauty of nature. They create a peaceful atmosphere and remind us of the inherent goodness and joy in nature. Their presence contrasts with the speaker's sadness about humanity's state and highlights the disconnection between nature's harmony and human troubles.

III. Answer these questions briefly.

1. What does Wordsworth mean when he says 'What man has made of man'?
 When Wordsworth says "What man has made of man," he is referring to the negative impact that human actions and society have had on the state of humanity. It suggests a sense of disappointment or sorrow about how humans have treated each other and the world around them, perhaps alluding to the destructive consequences of industrialization, social inequality, or other harmful aspects of human behavior.

2. What conclusion does the poet draw from the movement of the birds?
From the movement of the birds, the poet draws the conclusion that even the smallest actions or motions made by the birds seem to bring them pleasure. This observation leads the poet to contemplate the idea that nature's creatures find joy in their existence and suggests that humans, too, should find pleasure and contentment in the simple aspects of life.

3. What is Wordsworth's belief regarding Nature's holy plan?
 Wordsworth believes that there is a holy plan or purpose behind nature. He contemplates whether the enjoyment and harmony observed in nature, as seen in the flowers, birds, and budding twigs, are part of a divine design. He questions if this plan sent from heaven reflects a natural inclination towards pleasure and joy in all living beings. In other words, Wordsworth sees nature as a source of inherent goodness and a reminder of the divine order that contrasts with the troubled state of human affairs.

IV. Answer these questions in detail.

1. What is the reason behind Wordsworth's lamentation?
 The reason behind Wordsworth's lamentation is the realization of the negative impact that humans have had on themselves and the world. He observes the destruction caused by human actions and the disregard for the beauty and harmony of nature. This realization leads him to feel sorrow and disappointment in the way mankind has treated both nature and fellow human beings.

2. What in nature made Wordsworth feel happy on that spring day?
 On that spring day, Wordsworth made feel happy was the beauty and vitality of nature. He heard a symphony of blended notes and witnessed the vibrant life around him, including the flowers, birds, and budding twigs. These elements of nature brought him joy and a sense of connection to something greater. The sights and sounds of nature uplifted his spirit and provided a contrast to the troubling state of human affairs.

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